9. Tests¶
Below we provide example output for many of the tests that can be run in the SmallK library. This will provide guidance for identifying issues with your installation. Of course results will vary on different machines.
9.1. SmallK Test Results¶
After building the smallk library, the make check command will run a bash script that performs a series of tests on the code. This is a sample output of those tests:
Build configuration: release
sh tests/scripts/test_smallk.sh ../xdata_github/smallk_data/ | tee smallk_test_results.txt
* *
* Testing the smallk interface. *
* *
WARNING: Could not achieve THREAD_MULTIPLE support.
Smallk major version: 1
Smallk minor version: 6
Smallk patch level: 0
Smallk version string: 1.6.0
Loading matrix...
Running NMF-BPP...
Initializing matrix W...
Initializing matrix H...
algorithm: Nonnegative Least Squares with Block Principal Pivoting
stopping criterion: Ratio of Projected Gradients
height: 12411
width: 7984
k: 8
miniter: 1
maxiter: 5000
tol: 0.005
matrixfile: ../xdata_github/smallk_data/reuters.mtx
maxthreads: 8
1: progress metric: (min_iter)
2: progress metric: 0.35826
3: progress metric: 0.172127
4: progress metric: 0.106297
5: progress metric: 0.0696424
6: progress metric: 0.0538889
7: progress metric: 0.0559478
8: progress metric: 0.0686117
9: progress metric: 0.0788641
10: progress metric: 0.0711522
20: progress metric: 0.00568349
Solution converged after 22 iterations.
Elapsed wall clock time: 0.633 sec.
Writing output files...
Running HierNmf2...
Loading dictionary...
height: 12411
width: 7984
matrixfile: ../xdata_github/smallk_data/reuters.mtx
dictfile: ../xdata_github/smallk_data/reuters_dictionary.txt
tol: 0.0001
miniter: 1
maxiter: 5000
maxterms: 5
maxthreads: 8
[1] [2] [3] [4]
Elapsed wall clock time: 551 ms.
9/9 factorizations converged.
Writing output files...
W matrix test passed
H matrix test passed
* *
* Testing the preprocessor. *
* *
Command line options:
indir: ../xdata_github/smallk_data/
outdir: current directory
docs_per_term: 3
terms_per_doc: 5
max_iter: 1000
precision: 4
boolean_mode: 0
Loading input matrix ../xdata_github/smallk_data/matrix.mtx
Input file load time: 1.421s.
Starting iterations...
[1] height: 39771, width: 11237, nonzeros: 877453
Iterations finished.
New height: 39727
New width: 11237
New nonzero count: 877374
Processing time: 0.063s.
Writing output matrix 'reduced_matrix.mtx'
Output file write time: 2.189s.
Writing dictionary file 'reduced_dictionary.txt'
Writing documents file 'reduced_documents.txt'
Dictionary + documents write time: 0.083s.
preprocessor matrix test passed
preprocessor dictionary test passed
preprocessor documents test passed
* *
* Testing the NMF routines. *
* *
WARNING: Could not achieve THREAD_MULTIPLE support.
Loading matrix...
Initializing matrix W...
Initializing matrix H...
Command line options:
algorithm: Nonnegative Least Squares with Block Principal Pivoting
stopping criterion: Ratio of Projected Gradients
height: 12411
width: 7984
k: 8
miniter: 1
maxiter: 5000
tol: 0.005
tolcount: 1
verbose: 1
normalize: 1
outprecision: 6
matrixfile: ../xdata_github/smallk_data//reuters.mtx
infile_W: ../xdata_github/smallk_data//nmf_init_w.csv
infile_H: ../xdata_github/smallk_data//nmf_init_h.csv
outfile_W: w.csv
outfile_H: h.csv
maxthreads: 8
1: progress metric: (min_iter)
2: progress metric: 0.35826
3: progress metric: 0.172127
4: progress metric: 0.106297
5: progress metric: 0.0696424
6: progress metric: 0.0538889
7: progress metric: 0.0559478
8: progress metric: 0.0686117
9: progress metric: 0.0788641
10: progress metric: 0.0711522
20: progress metric: 0.00568349
Solution converged after 22 iterations.
Elapsed wall clock time: 0.673 sec.
Writing output files...
NMF W matrix test passed
NMF H matrix test passed
* *
* Testing hierclust. *
* *
Reuters matrix, 12 clusters
WARNING: Could not achieve THREAD_MULTIPLE support.
loading dictionary...
loading matrix...
Command line options:
height: 12411
width: 7984
matrixfile: ../xdata_github/smallk_data//reuters.mtx
initdir: ../xdata_github/smallk_data//test/matrices.reuters/
dictfile: ../xdata_github/smallk_data//reuters_dictionary.txt
assignfile: assignments_12.csv
format: XML
treefile: tree_12.xml
clusters: 12
tol: 0.0001
miniter: 1
maxiter: 5000
maxterms: 5
maxthreads: 8
unbalanced: 0.1
trial_allowance: 3
flat: 0
verbose: 1
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] dropping 20 items ...
[7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
Elapsed wall clock time: 2.758 s.
26/26 factorizations converged.
Writing output files...
XML file test passed
assignment file test passed
20News matrix, 15 clusters
WARNING: Could not achieve THREAD_MULTIPLE support.
loading dictionary...
loading matrix...
Command line options:
height: 39727
width: 11237
matrixfile: ../xdata_github/smallk_data//news20.mtx
initdir: ../xdata_github/smallk_data//test/matrices.20news/
dictfile: ../xdata_github/smallk_data//news20_dictionary.txt
assignfile: assignments_15.csv
format: XML
treefile: tree_15.xml
clusters: 15
tol: 0.0001
miniter: 1
maxiter: 5000
maxterms: 5
maxthreads: 8
unbalanced: 0.1
trial_allowance: 3
flat: 0
verbose: 1
[1] [2] [3] dropping 30 items ...
[4] [5] dropping 132 items ...
[6] [7] [8] [9] [10] dropping 41 items ...
[11] dropping 51 items ...
[12] dropping 22 items ...
[13] dropping 85 items ...
Elapsed wall clock time: 10.308 s.
41/41 factorizations converged.
Writing output files...
XML file test passed
assignment file test passed
* *
* Testing flatclust. *
* *
WARNING: Could not achieve THREAD_MULTIPLE support.
loading dictionary...
loading matrix...
Initializing matrix W...
Initializing matrix H...
Command line options:
height: 256
width: 256
matrixfile: ../xdata_github/smallk_data//rnd_256_256.csv
infile_W: ../xdata_github/smallk_data//flatclust_init_w.csv
infile_H: ../xdata_github/smallk_data//flatclust_init_h.csv
dictfile: ../xdata_github/smallk_data//reuters_dictionary.txt
assignfile: assignments_16.csv
fuzzyfile: assignments_fuzzy_16.csv
format: XML
clustfile: clusters_16.xml
algorithm: HALS
clusters: 16
tol: 0.0001
miniter: 1
maxiter: 5000
maxterms: 5
maxthreads: 8
verbose: 1
1: progress metric: (min_iter)
2: progress metric: 0.635556
3: progress metric: 0.490817
4: progress metric: 0.479135
5: progress metric: 0.474986
6: progress metric: 0.44968
7: progress metric: 0.422542
8: progress metric: 0.407662
9: progress metric: 0.395145
10: progress metric: 0.379238
20: progress metric: 0.272868
30: progress metric: 0.168386
40: progress metric: 0.109147
50: progress metric: 0.0767327
60: progress metric: 0.0488545
70: progress metric: 0.036226
80: progress metric: 0.0307648
90: progress metric: 0.0266116
100: progress metric: 0.0226963
110: progress metric: 0.0188616
120: progress metric: 0.0158307
130: progress metric: 0.0137605
140: progress metric: 0.0127888
150: progress metric: 0.0123962
160: progress metric: 0.0124734
170: progress metric: 0.0123563
180: progress metric: 0.0122163
190: progress metric: 0.0120643
200: progress metric: 0.0117647
210: progress metric: 0.0114894
220: progress metric: 0.0110467
230: progress metric: 0.0107816
240: progress metric: 0.0105239
250: progress metric: 0.0103824
260: progress metric: 0.0100915
270: progress metric: 0.00965073
280: progress metric: 0.00938526
290: progress metric: 0.00914129
300: progress metric: 0.00896701
310: progress metric: 0.00886729
320: progress metric: 0.00841059
330: progress metric: 0.007793
340: progress metric: 0.00740095
350: progress metric: 0.00708869
360: progress metric: 0.00683069
370: progress metric: 0.00672093
380: progress metric: 0.00687906
390: progress metric: 0.00703777
400: progress metric: 0.00721928
410: progress metric: 0.00729384
420: progress metric: 0.00718332
430: progress metric: 0.00722893
440: progress metric: 0.00726766
450: progress metric: 0.00739665
460: progress metric: 0.00769819
470: progress metric: 0.00814673
480: progress metric: 0.008566
490: progress metric: 0.00877955
500: progress metric: 0.00884221
510: progress metric: 0.0088057
520: progress metric: 0.00852345
530: progress metric: 0.00797952
540: progress metric: 0.00749354
550: progress metric: 0.00689316
560: progress metric: 0.00623287
570: progress metric: 0.00576619
580: progress metric: 0.00541125
590: progress metric: 0.00501715
600: progress metric: 0.00466547
610: progress metric: 0.00432811
620: progress metric: 0.00412669
630: progress metric: 0.00383406
640: progress metric: 0.00352802
650: progress metric: 0.00331556
660: progress metric: 0.00315735
670: progress metric: 0.00304253
680: progress metric: 0.00296627
690: progress metric: 0.00289013
700: progress metric: 0.00279647
710: progress metric: 0.00271036
720: progress metric: 0.00261087
730: progress metric: 0.0025158
740: progress metric: 0.00245123
750: progress metric: 0.00237435
760: progress metric: 0.00231126
770: progress metric: 0.00228199
780: progress metric: 0.00227623
790: progress metric: 0.00228185
800: progress metric: 0.00227993
810: progress metric: 0.00228216
820: progress metric: 0.00228018
830: progress metric: 0.00229096
840: progress metric: 0.00232403
850: progress metric: 0.00234957
860: progress metric: 0.00227868
870: progress metric: 0.00210786
880: progress metric: 0.00195462
890: progress metric: 0.00183587
900: progress metric: 0.00173358
910: progress metric: 0.0016405
920: progress metric: 0.00156422
930: progress metric: 0.00150835
940: progress metric: 0.00146594
950: progress metric: 0.00143261
960: progress metric: 0.00137378
970: progress metric: 0.00131989
980: progress metric: 0.00126626
990: progress metric: 0.0012164
1000: progress metric: 0.00117061
1010: progress metric: 0.00112539
1020: progress metric: 0.00108626
1030: progress metric: 0.00105192
1040: progress metric: 0.00102131
1050: progress metric: 0.000992069
1060: progress metric: 0.000965259
1070: progress metric: 0.000938949
1080: progress metric: 0.000911962
1090: progress metric: 0.000884505
1100: progress metric: 0.000854904
1110: progress metric: 0.000820121
1120: progress metric: 0.000785245
1130: progress metric: 0.000752513
1140: progress metric: 0.000723279
1150: progress metric: 0.000697698
1160: progress metric: 0.000680904
1170: progress metric: 0.000652152
1180: progress metric: 0.000628268
1190: progress metric: 0.000612413
1200: progress metric: 0.000596834
1210: progress metric: 0.000580674
1220: progress metric: 0.000556549
1230: progress metric: 0.000535666
1240: progress metric: 0.00051492
1250: progress metric: 0.000496234
1260: progress metric: 0.000481147
1270: progress metric: 0.000461294
1280: progress metric: 0.000440802
1290: progress metric: 0.000419049
1300: progress metric: 0.000398007
1310: progress metric: 0.000376203
1320: progress metric: 0.000355811
1330: progress metric: 0.00033729
1340: progress metric: 0.000318932
1350: progress metric: 0.000302528
1360: progress metric: 0.000287961
1370: progress metric: 0.00027486
1380: progress metric: 0.00026403
1390: progress metric: 0.000255504
1400: progress metric: 0.000248646
1410: progress metric: 0.000242996
1420: progress metric: 0.000239243
1430: progress metric: 0.000236852
1440: progress metric: 0.000235313
1450: progress metric: 0.000234465
1460: progress metric: 0.000234154
1470: progress metric: 0.000234253
1480: progress metric: 0.00023487
1490: progress metric: 0.000237223
1500: progress metric: 0.000240043
1510: progress metric: 0.000243896
1520: progress metric: 0.00024867
1530: progress metric: 0.000253981
1540: progress metric: 0.000260239
1550: progress metric: 0.000266795
1560: progress metric: 0.000273529
1570: progress metric: 0.000280678
1580: progress metric: 0.000287273
1590: progress metric: 0.000292288
1600: progress metric: 0.000296475
1610: progress metric: 0.000299556
1620: progress metric: 0.00030244
1630: progress metric: 0.000306148
1640: progress metric: 0.000310299
1650: progress metric: 0.000314674
1660: progress metric: 0.000319052
1670: progress metric: 0.000323906
1680: progress metric: 0.000329536
1690: progress metric: 0.000335913
1700: progress metric: 0.000342834
1710: progress metric: 0.000351167
1720: progress metric: 0.000352515
1730: progress metric: 0.000348749
1740: progress metric: 0.000345684
1750: progress metric: 0.000343139
1760: progress metric: 0.000340867
1770: progress metric: 0.000339052
1780: progress metric: 0.000337038
1790: progress metric: 0.000335244
1800: progress metric: 0.000333452
1810: progress metric: 0.000332111
1820: progress metric: 0.000330198
1830: progress metric: 0.000325983
1840: progress metric: 0.000321473
1850: progress metric: 0.000316999
1860: progress metric: 0.000312054
1870: progress metric: 0.000305176
1880: progress metric: 0.000294684
1890: progress metric: 0.000284482
1900: progress metric: 0.000274905
1910: progress metric: 0.000265684
1920: progress metric: 0.000256761
1930: progress metric: 0.000248203
1940: progress metric: 0.000239613
1950: progress metric: 0.000230677
1960: progress metric: 0.00022218
1970: progress metric: 0.000214089
1980: progress metric: 0.00020621
1990: progress metric: 0.000196915
2000: progress metric: 0.000187712
2010: progress metric: 0.000179199
2020: progress metric: 0.00017137
2030: progress metric: 0.000164158
2040: progress metric: 0.000157751
2050: progress metric: 0.000152485
2060: progress metric: 0.000147217
2070: progress metric: 0.000142083
2080: progress metric: 0.000137148
2090: progress metric: 0.000132379
2100: progress metric: 0.000127922
2110: progress metric: 0.000123617
2120: progress metric: 0.000119548
2130: progress metric: 0.000115684
2140: progress metric: 0.000111997
2150: progress metric: 0.000108389
2160: progress metric: 0.000104838
2170: progress metric: 0.000101387
Solution converged after 2175 iterations.
Elapsed wall clock time: 1.022 sec.
XML file test passed
assignment file test passed
fuzzy assignment file test passed
***** SmallK: All tests passed. *****